Connecting with customers; it's necessary, time-consuming, enlightening.What it isn’t: easy, quick, done once and never again.So how exactly do we, as entrepreneurs, successfully connect with our audiences without having one-on-one conversations with every person? Some of the more popular ideas include: Facebook live, Instagram polls, posting questions, etc. But what if we told you there was a faster, more efficient way?Simply put, connecting is best done by telling your story via video. By taking the time to tell customers about how you became an entrepreneur, the hardships you’ve faced and the motivation that kept you going until your business took off, customers better understand and trust you.Think of your relationships with customers as relationships with friends. You’d steer clear of friends whose conversations constantly revolved around the theme of "buy this now!" with no other substance.But by telling your story, you’re allowing consumers to create a more meaningful relationship with you, more so than could ever happen with social media polls. Your story allows customers to see the person behind the business, often causing sales to increase! For more tips and tricks with telling your story, watch our video below: